Tag Archives: descent

Who Is Like The Lord Our God?

Who is like the Lord our God,
that has His throne so high,
yet condescending here to come
and dwell beneath our sky?
In grace He came from glory
To be as we are now;
And risen now He pulls us up
To be like Him somehow.

Bless the Lord, my soul, my soul,
and all that is within;
see, the King of kings, Most High,
descends His sons to win!
He whom angels all adore,
the praise of all above;
stripped naked, cursed, reviled, killed,
all in the name of love.

To what deep depths did you fall,
and from what height come down?
All for what? To save a worm
and fit him with your crown.
What agony undergone,
what pain and anguish felt,
that You, co-eternal Son
receive what men were dealt.

“My God,” cries the only Son,
“my God, where have you gone?”
Life is dark, the earth is black
where once Your presence shone.
O deepest dark, the great divorce,
that God from God is torn;
yet the pain of searing loss
means life for us reborn.

Therefore He who humbly went
unto the cross, and death,
is risen now, the Lord of all,
the praise of all with breath!
In Him is our living hope,
our certain confidence;
that we with God shall ev’r dwell
and He with us forth hence.

All glory to the Father,
all glory to the Son,
all glory to the Spirit,
the holy three in One;
for so it was from the start
and so it is today,
and so it shall be after that,
for each and every day.